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Lulit & Haileab Assefa

25 August 2022

Our story before being messianic

My name is Lulit I was born and raised in an Orthodox Christian home. Ethiopian Orthodoxies believe that merry intercede for sinners and the angels have a special position and particular honor is accorded to them. Ethiopian Orthodox Church honors angels each day throughout the month. On the 1st of each month, they celebrate the birth of Marry, on the 2nd day of each month they celebrate one angel and continue to celebrate another angel on the3rd date and continue like that till the end of the month.

How we accept Jesus the messiah

When I am old enough to go to school I went to a Christian missionary school. I gained a pretty good amount of knowledge about God, salivation, and the Bible. They made us memorize verses, attend Bible classes, and/or once a week attend assemblies in the chapel. They definitely had their alter calls to have students invite Jesus into their hearts and I accepted Jesus when I was a grade 7 student at the age of 13.
My husband Haileab was raised in a deeply religious, evangelical Christian household. Because of this, he knew that Jesus is Messiah who delivered mankind from its sins, he accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior from his childhood.

How we become Messianic

On one blessed day, I saw one of Rabbi Stanely’s Shabbat live teaching on Facebook. I was very impressed with the teaching and shared with my husband that live video link. We both became curious about which church (religion) he belonged to because he was revealing amazing truths in the bible. We found out that he was a  Rabbi of Beit Avenue messianic church from his Facebook profile and sent him a friend request. This is how we found Messianic. we can only believe that it was the work of the HaShem taking pity on our soul that has the desire to know, please, and glorify the Lord.

We are now Torah observant messianic Jews

We are sharing with you this story to thank God and His providence in leading us in our journey as a messianic follower of His Son, Jesus Christ, and to thank as well Rabbi Stanley for helping us grow in our biblical knowledge. The biblical truths that we were taught are very different than the real truth that we have come to know from Rabbi Stanley. We wanted to share with you how much the teachings have really been supporting us in our walk with Lord. Teaching materials on T.L.M learning center and yeshiva portal have really helped us. As we grow in our understanding of the word of God we also desire to be more obedient to HaShem’s laws and devoted to the Lord, living a holy life out of gratitude to His undeserved grace to us in His beloved Son, our Lord, and Savior Jesus Christ forever. Moreover, we found being Messianic is more than about finding a life philosophy or even a new cultural/ethnic identity;it is about discovering the reality of a God who is alive and who can change your life forever!

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