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Rabbi Yosef - רב יוסף

26 Aug 2015

The blessing of Torah is as precious to me as the very spark of life. It may be difficult to pass a test without first reading the instructions. Through intrinsic questioning of the things that can not be seen, earnestly seeking the truth, and sacrificing worldly ideals, I found the instructions which were overlooked in my days of blind faith.

The chances of success in my trials are directly connected to the knowledge and observance of core Jewish principles that are outlined in the bible, the Talmud, and many other scholarly works. Beit Aveinu (“House of our Father” in Hebrew) is the pinnacle of learning for me after experiencing widely varying doctrines of so many churches and people whom I once entrusted with my spiritual well-being. It is a huge credit to my mentor, Rabbi Stanley Chester, that I've come to understand that the definition of being Jewish by faith is simply to learn and keep the commandments of HaShem. I already believed in the Creator I just didn't know how to become closer to Him until it was clearly explained to me that the essence of the Torah is the Living Word Yeshua HaMoshiach.

Previously, I was unaware of any Jewish sect that follows the Nazerene. From reading the bible, I felt a yearning to be Jewish; to do what the Jews do. My preconception was that the faith of Judaism strictly belonged to those of the bloodline, but proselytes are embraced as well as the native born Jew. The challenge for me was to find a Rabbi who would be willing to teach me and I didn't know where to even begin. Now I have met a Rabbi who professes Messianic Judaism and the fulfillment of my spiritual needs is an on-going answered prayer

After leaving the church, I can now comprehend the lessons and passages of scripture by comparing different translations from the original Hebrew which sometimes sound contradictory in the common English texts that Christians generally limit themselves to following. Also, without guidance, my tendency is to lapse back into worldly practices. I am a construction type/woodworker who formerly enjoyed frequently smoking, drinking, and being rough around the edges. When I made a decision in my heart to discard the lifestyle and behavior that isn't conducive to my walk with HaShem, a friend invited me to visit the synagogue which was hiding right under my nose for years. Beit Aveinu is still my chief source of guidance to learn the mitzfoth (commandments/instructions) and I've become an ordained Rabbi through our Yeshiva.

At last, I have the footholds of an evidence-based faith. Nothing has been greater than finding my calling and answering it. My ministry will be devoted to the Jewish concept of Tikun Olam (Repair of the Universe). It is undeniable how blessings and the mitzfoth are interrelated. This is declared in the name of my teacher, Rabbi Stanley Chester Jr. Baruch HaShem (Blessed be the Name). - Rabbi Yosef - רב יוסף

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