Our Members

  • Lulit & Haileab Assefa

    Lulit & Haileab Assefa

    13 Jun 2:43 pm | 0 Comments
    My name is Lulit I was born and raised in an Orthodox Christian home. Ethiopian Orthodoxies believe that merry intercede for sinners and the angels have a special position and particular honor is accorded to them. Ethiopian Orthodox Church honors angels each day throughout the month. On the 1st of each month, they celebrate the birth of Marry, on the 2nd day of each month they celebrate one angel and continue to celebrate another angel on the 3rd date and continue like that till the end of the month.…
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    Dawn Provencher

    25 Aug 9:39 am | 0 Comments
    Shalom! My name is Dawn Provencher, and I have been a member of Beit Aveinu for eight years. I met Rabbi through our mutual friend, Peter, who took us both with him on a tour of Israel.,…
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    Rabbi Yosef

    13 Jun 9:39 am | 0 Comments
    The blessing of Torah is as precious to me as the very spark of life. It may be difficult to pass a test without first reading the instructions. Through intrinsic questioning of the things that can not be seen, earnestly seeking the truth, and sacrificing worldly ideals, I found the instructions which were overlooked in my days of blind faith.…
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    Kelly Covey

    13 Jun 9:38 am | 0 Comments
    I'm just a guy with a lot of talent. It's nice to hear that I am appreciated, and it inspires me to be more creative, and grow spiritually. The members here are wonderful. Very kind and thoughtfuil to say the least.
    Under Rabbi Stanley's leadership, he said to me how much I've have grown in my faith. That I have a lot of potential in leadership. With that, I've started the courses to become a rabbi candidate. I'm very excited about this, and I am looking forward to going through the educational process. Thank you.…
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    Justin Rich

    13 Jun 9:38 am | 0 Comments
    Yes, I'm that awesome.…
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